First aid in the (construction) industry
The general regulations regarding working conditions are clear: all employees must be able to work healthily and safely. Employers and employees are jointly responsible for implementing this law in their own organization/branch or workplace.
Every employer is legally obliged to ensure that a first aid kit is present on the construction site. To ensure that your company is compliant during an inspection, it is very important to have a complete first aid kit.
The Protectaplast first aid kits have been specially developed for possible injuries suffered by a construction worker. Our first aid kits have more materials than a regular first aid kit, such as a rescue blanket, mouth respirator, flamma cream, etc.
In addition, our first aid kits come standard with a wall bracket. This allows the kit to be fixed in a standard place so no one has to search for it in case of an emergency.
Each company is divided into "units". A unit is defined as "each separate room, floor or department". If the construction company has, for example, a warehouse, a lunchroom, and an office space, then a first aid kit must be present in all three places